are you heard about ping word

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are you heard about ping word

 What is ping: Ping is a method to determine the minimum time required to deliver the smallest possible amount of information and get a reply. 

For ping, experiments are employed at MS units (1000 milliseconds = 1 minute). Common measures for optics of cable transfer is 5-20ms. Radio (2.4GHz, 5Ghz, .. ) near to 30ms. Moving transfer is much worse > 100ms.

Ping is the computer system management software program used to determine the reachability of the server on the Internet Protocol (IP ) system. 

It measures the round-trip moment for messages sent from the originating recipient to the address machine that are echoed back to this document. 

This name comes from active sonar language that transmits the wave of audio and minds for the response to discover objects underwater, although it is sometimes interpreted as the backronym to packet Internet groper.

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