What is bug bounty and how to become a bug bounty hunter/HINDI

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What is bug bounty and how to become a bug bounty hunter/HINDI

bug bounty program is a deal with many companies like software developers, web developers company, etc software companies they are receiving their software bugs viruses and some trouble from some persons or individual person they will find out the many security harmful and exploits. 

These programs allow the developers to discover the many bugs and problems to resolve it. Before it reaches the public.

a bug bounty is implemented in a large organization.

including, Google, Facebook, WhatsApp, Yahoo, Reddit, Square, Microsoft, and in bug internet bug bounty.

the united state department of defense organization and outside companies now days are using the bug bounty programs.
To find out the weakness of the software and improve the software and securities. These bug bounty programmers are the ethical hacker or white hat hackers who have licenses from the government.  


Hunter & Ready is known as the first bug bounty program in 1983  Real-Time executive operating System.

Anyone who found the bug and reported to the company will receive the price.

A little decade later in 1995  Netscape communication corporation create bug bounty jobs.

Netscape communication gave full permission to the bug bounty programmers to they can access anything. they fully believed the bug bounty programmers.

bug bounty programmers find out the many bugs in their website, browsers, and security of the company.

After the company will improve all the bugs to fixes, They will do not leak out any information   to outside

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