You should know the these Types Of Hackers.

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You should know the these Types Of Hackers.

What is hacking?

types of hackers are the most skilled hackers in the hackers’ community
    Hacking is generally defined as the act of stopping into the computing system. Hacking isn't always a crime as `` moral hacking occurs when the terrorist is legally allowed to utilize safety networks. In other words, it's when the terrorist gets the proper permission or authority. However, hacking crosses the criminal position when the hack accesses someone's computer system without much consent or permission.

Types of hackers:

There are important 6 Types of hacker:

There are various other types of Hackers each with their personal use ----------------------

1.White hat hacker.

2.Black hat hacker.

3.Grey hat hacker.

4.Green hat hacker.

5.Red hat hacker.

6.Blue hat hacker.

1.White Hat Hackers :

    White Hat Hackers and Black Hat hack. White Hat hacks represent the great guys of the terrorist world. 
    They typically havepowerful IT safety background, and may still be licensed as an ethical hack. 

    Intelligent programmers who uncover and fix security flaws before criminals will see the backdoor. They’re normally well-paid and are employed by corporations to confirm their organizations are constantly protected and can’ ’t be assaulted successfully.

2.Dark Hat hackers:

    Dark Hat hacks are the people you heard about at the news. They increase access to data from banks or other businesses and typically take money, credit card data or branded information. 
    One form of the modern time terrorist is called the black hat programmer- criminals, in different terms. This is the kind of hack that is at it to take wealth or information to hurt you and the job, which is the case in ransomware.

3.Grey hat hackers:

    Grey hat hackers those who hack the system or may be web  site for personal reason.But they didn't steal the any information or money.They never sell the information to others.

    hat programmer is the kind of programmer that has the skills and purpose of the moral hacker in most places but uses his knowledge for not as much as honorable purposes on occasion. 

    Gray hat hacks typically agree to another kind of the hacker principle, which says it is good to get into organizations as long as the terrorist does not commit stealing or breach confidentiality. 
    Some could argue, however that this act of breaking into the system is at itself wrong. They also sometimes threaten to issue the traps they make unless act has been taken to get it.

4.Green hat  hackers:

    Green hat  hackers is the newly get some hacking  knowledge they can hack small games.

But they didn't hack any system,website. They can't do any criminal crime.

5.Red hat hackers:

    Red hat hackers  are those hacker who didn't  inform the any black hat hacker to the cyber crime. They are inserting viruses into computer we can say in our system.

    These viruses do the system to slow and system owner to force a  buy new system.

6.Blue hat hacker:

Blue hat hacker are those hacker they are hacking for only take the revenge. 

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