what do you think ethical hacker salary?

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what do you think ethical hacker salary?

Ethical hacker salary? 

ethical hacker salary in us

Recent research from bug reward structure HackerOne revealed

*    Ethical hackers who participate in bug reward program will get more than double the earnings of         the software engineer in their nation. 
      Hackers from India are the best participants in the HackerOne bug reward programs, and best *    hackers in the region will get as much as 16 times the average wage of the engineer working there.            
*    Penetrations testers (median wage of $114,431(87,15,351.04 INR ) — also called “ moral hackers ”       — get in sixth place. 

*   And issue two is “ Amazon ” — the great hires for cyber security businesses — scores its own                home as the high term, though that doesn’t ’t say more about the type of work the searchers are      looking for.

*    The average wage of the ethical hacker is at $72,000(5483700.00 INR) the year and consultants will have to be given $15,000 to $45,000(11,42,437.50-34,27,312.50) per assignment. 

Medium-sized companies: 

*    Aren’t providing their safety teams sufficient money right now. 
*    Wages and keeping numbers lag because their starting salaries average just $3,000(2,28,487.50 INR) ore than smaller corporations, but $ 17,000(12,94,762.50 INR) not as much as enterprises. 
*    As a matter of fact, the Osterman study found that almost 60% of security professionals believe that *    black hats do more money than safety professionals.

Between companies and ethical hackers agreement:

*  Responsible disclosure is essentially the agreement between code vendors and security investigators that the investigators can describe any bugs found to the seller of the affected code before exposing  the bugs publicly. Generally,the scientist and vendor agree on the period of time within which the seller can release patches for the bugs 
before the safety researcher publicly publishes information about 
the bugs they discovered.

Ethical hacker important's: 

*    Regarding the rising market need, there is no greater experience like the time to move into the business as an ethical hack.

*    As the growth in technology acceptance in the firm environment shows no signs of slowing down, the large number of employers are expecting to make moral hackers on board to decrease potential          cyber risks or hacks from outside invaders. 

*    According to this IDC, there is the $ 101 billion hiring industry for certified cyber security professionals. 

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