What is domain and Why domain used in website?

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What is domain and Why domain used in website?


What is domain?

what is domain

Within the Internet, domain names are shaped or formed  by the  principles(rules) and processes of the domain Name System (DNS ).

Any family registered in this DNS is the domain name. Domain names are applied in different networking settings and for application-specific assignment and speaking purposes. 

As a summary, the domain name constitutes an Internet Protocol (IP ) resource, , e.g., a PC used to access the Internet, a host computer hosting the web site, Or this web website itself or any other delivery conveyed via the Internet. At 2017, 330.6 million region families had been registered.

Example for Domain

 Domain names represent these address of the Internet, like www.amazon.com  or  ry.byu.edu

The domain name is part of the URL or “ Universal Resource Locator; ” the Internet address. 

Each person on the Intrernet is described by the specific IP address, comprising of four bytes (or 32 pieces) from 0 to 255 divided by periods, such as 

To avoid thinking such an unwieldy address, the domain name is used rather.

Domain in Website:

  • The domain name is the foundation or cornerstone of your the website.

  • It ’ s how  visitors journey to your the website, and it plays a part in how people find you online.

  •  It ’ s often much the first thought that potential visitors go of you and your the site as well—so registering the greatest domain name possible is important or crucial

  • The good domain name is the concise, simple to  identify, and memorable URL that reflects the brand or your site ’ s  content  . 

  • Avoid using hyphens, strings of numbers or figures, or needless words to make it easy for the visitors to think and see the your  site. 

  • Think: The good domain name is one that the visitors will write correctly or right on their first attempt.

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