Top 5 android hacking apps 100% working

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Top 5 android hacking apps 100% working

Top 5 mobile hacking apps:

1.GameGuardian :

GameGuardian is an app that will modify the android games code.
So we can easily illegally change the content of the game. it works based on code injection during the run time we modify the content of the game how can we want in the game it uses to most of us cheat the game.


AndroRAT stands for robot and RAT (device Administrative instrument) . The high free hacking tool was released a long time ago as the client/server program. This app proposes to make you the power of the Android system remotely and get the data from it. The Android app works as the service right after the boot. Therefore, the person doesn’ ’t want to interact with the service. This app offers you the power to activate the server connection by the telephone or SMS.



CSploit is the free and open-source safety business toolkit that does with built-in Metasploit structure and the easy-to-use user interface. Out of the corner cSploit will explore the local system, forge TCP or UDP packages, observe empty ports, fingerprints of hosts operating systems, do MITM (person in the midst) attacks, etc. Since the app gets bundled with this Metasploit model, you can see security vulnerabilities of the web or connected devices, make shell consoles, and change exploit contexts for greater control.


DroidSheep is simple for network session hijacking (sidejacking ). It listens for HTTP packets sent via the radio (802.11) web transfer and extracts that session ID from these packages in order to use them. DroidSheep will capture meetings using this libpcap collection and supports: Public (unencrypted) networks, WEP encrypted networks, and WPA/WPA2 encrypted webs (PSK but). The code uses libpcap and arpspoof. This apk was given free on Google try but it has been brought down by Google.

5.Kali Linux

Kali Linux is the business’s running Linux organization in penetration testing and moral hacking. It is the system that gets shipped with tons and tons of hacking and penetration instruments and code by choice, and is widely acknowledged in all parts of the globe, Still among Windows users who may not yet realize what UNIX is.n brought down by Google

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