Without these hackers your life will be become a Hell

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Without these hackers your life will be become a Hell

Ethical hackers:
1.Rahul Tyagi:

One of India's famous moral programmers Rahul Tyagi, an Ethical hacker is the post-graduate study at computer science, the Actor, and the writer who has published two books Hacking Crux 1 and 2. Both book are information security. These two books are extremely informative and used by numerous professionals and colleges as the relation to moral hacking. He has conducted over one hundred education meetings globally in the last 5 years. White hat hacker

2.Vivek Ramachandran:

 is the safety researcher and cybersecurity expert. His area of expertise includes expert and web security, wireless protection, Ethical hacker exploit researcher. Computer forensics, cooperation, and e-Governance, conformity. He has published numerous books that are printed worldwide in the middle of 2011- some of his books are ” radio Penetration Testing ” and ” this Metasploit Megaprimer ”. Vivek is a B.tech student from IIT Guwahati and the adviser to the computer science division's security laboratory. White hat hacker

3.Ankit Fadia: 

The extra computer crime is spoofing. Ankit Fadia (Ethical hacker)defines spoofing as the method employed to increase unauthorized access to computers, whereby the intruder sends messages to the machine with the IP address suggesting that this communication is coming to form a trusted host. That is not difficult for today's hackers to achieve, all they have to do is get the â€Å“spoof†IP address of the trustworthy server then change This line so it seems like it is coming from that host. Essentially spoofers pretend to be an organization or someone that they are not so that they will make personal information about the visitors of this site. Unless you are really educated on spoofing it is really difficult to pull or keep. Therefore, the best advice to make so you do not go spoofed is to make sure that the place you are on is a valid figure. And be very careful who you give your own data, and credit card amount to when on the site because you will never be too sure who you are really making it to.

No, its non. Protecting the secrecy is depends upon you. How and where you see, well it's all bets on the habits. India's no1 philosophy hack “ Ankit Fadia,” says that you usually have to change the word within 15 times. There been a lot of terrible people (dark hat) are sitting on the internet looking to follow you or someone else in their trap, so that they will take the private information. (white-hat hacker)

4.Falgun  Rathod:

 is an identification and operation Management Solution designer in Sailpoint technology, Inc. Bhandup is an experienced cybersecurity engineer and designer through combined education in identification and operation Management. He is mainly in charge of offering innovative solutions to these companies in this area for their most difficult challenges in the IAM and cybersecurity fields to enhance their safety base and prevent potential cyber and data breaches. ere you see, well it's all bets on the habits. India's no1 philosophy hack ethical hacker says that you usually have to change the word within 15 times. There been a lot of terrible people (dark hat) are sitting on the internet looking to follow you or someone else in their trap, so that they will take the private information. White hat hacker

5.Deepali Malekar:
Among the females making records in the world of hacking in India is Deepali Malekar, an exceptional talent who is a Security Researcher in Wipro. Women ethical hacker
Deepali Malekar has her own information security consulting firm under Inforsc Labs.women, white-hat hacker.

Black hat hacker, most dangerous hacker:(most successful in criminal minding):

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