how to become a advance bug bounty hunter in detail in 2020

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how to become a advance bug bounty hunter in detail in 2020

How to become a bug bounty programmer:

What is bug bounty programmer and bug bounty hunter?

bug bounty program is a deal with many companies like software developers, web developers company, etc software companies they are receiving their software bugs viruses and some trouble from some persons or individual person they will find out the many security harmful and exploits. become a bug bounty programmer.

STEPS To become a bug bountyprogrammer

FIRST STEP: Learn computer basics for start bug bounty program career: 

1. Computer Networking:

  • TCP/IP
  • 2.basics of networking,
  • IP addresses,
  • MAC addresses,
  • OSI stack

2. Web Technology: 

  •  web programming 
  • web protocols:-HTTP, FTP, TLS, etc.
  •  Web programming languages are JavaScriptHTML, and CSS
  • Just learn the basic syntax is enough for beginners to become a bug bounty hunter.

SECOND STEP: Choose your path:

To become a bug bounty programmer there are many types of hacking choose which has been easy for you.
  1. web haking
  2. android hacking
  3. desktop/embedded  hacking
  4. mobile hacking

THIRD step: Resources

Read books and watch videos :

  • The Web Application Hacker's Handbook.    
  • The Mobile Application Hacker's Handbook.
  • The Hacker Playbook 2: Practical Guide to Penetration Testing.
  • OWASP Testing Guide v4

FOURTH STEP: Learn at least one programming language:
  • Python or Ruby
  • c
  • ruby
  • java or Kotlin
  • JavaScript
FIFTH STEP:  Start hunting bugs and earn money
HackerOne website:
BugCrowd website:

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